Data Markets of Data and Information




About The Data Markets: Welcome to the Data Markets. Data Stocks Inc created the Data Markets in order to broker and rent out its app users’s data. Each data market is where business and app users agreed on what the data of each data stock is worth. This is done by using similar mechanism that a stock exchange uses, such as the Bid and Ask, in order to determine the value of the your data for each data deal. Each data stock will have it own data market, its own data points of value, and its own price.

Business Purpose: Is there a difference between looking at a mirror and looking through binoculars? Data Stocks’s Data Markets function like binoculars. Data Markets help businesses exchange data with app users in ethical rental format and grants the ability to see and foresee their customers, their competitors’ customers, and future customers. With this ability, businesses can stir their strategies, products, and marketing campaigns in order to improve their offerings, win markets, grow, and continue to be profitable.

Id Logo Name Type Market Price Action
1 7-Eleven App 7-Eleven App Shopping
2 Airbnb Airbnb Geo Location
3 Alibaba Alibaba Shopping
4 Amazon Amazon Shopping
5 American Express American Express Finance
6 Apple Store Apple Store Shopping
7 AroundMe AroundMe Geo Location
8 Associa Associa Geo Location
9 Candy Crush Candy Crush Entertainment
10 Chick-Fil-A One Chick-Fil-A One Shopping
11 Chrome Chrome Click Stream
12 Craigslist Craigslist Shopping
13 Credit Karma Credit Karma Finance
14 Ebay Ebay Shopping
15 Edge Edge Click Stream
16 Equifax Equifax Finance
17 ESPN ESPN Entertainment
18 Expensify App Expensify App Finance
19 Experian Experian Finance
20 Facebook Facebook Social Media
21 Firefox Firefox Click Stream
22 Fitbit Fitbit Health
23 Gmail Gmail Social Media
24 Google Fit Google Fit Health
25 Google Play Google Play Shopping
26 GoogleMaps GoogleMaps Geo Location
27 Groupon Groupon Shopping
28 Health Health Health
29 Hulu Hulu Entertainment
30 iMap iMap Geo Location
31 Instagram Instagram Social Media
32 iTunes iTunes Entertainment
33 LinkedIn LinkedIn Social Media
34 Lowes App Lowes App Shopping
35 Lyft Lyft Geo Location
36 Lyft Driver Lyft Driver Geo Location
37 MasterCard MasterCard Finance
38 Social Media
39 MoneyGram MoneyGram Finance
40 Netflix Netflix Entertainment
41 Nike+ Apps Nike+ Apps Health
42 Pandora Pandora Entertainment
43 PayPal PayPal Finance
44 Phone App Phone App Social Media
45 Pinterest Pinterest Social Media
46 Pokemon GO Pokemon GO Entertainment
47 Receipt Hog Receipt Hog Finance
48 Safari Safari Click Stream
49 Skype Skype Social Media
50 Snapchat Snapchat Social Media
51 Spotify Spotify Entertainment
52 Starbucks Starbucks Shopping
53 Text Messages Text Messages Social Media
54 Tinder Tinder Social Media
55 tumblr tumblr Social Media
56 Uber Uber Geo Location
57 Uber Driver Uber Driver Geo Location
58 VISA VISA Finance
59 Walmart Walmart Shopping
60 Western Union Western Union Finance
61 WhatsApp WhatsApp Social Media
62 X (AKA Twitter) X (AKA Twitter) Social Media
63 YouTube YouTube Entertainment